
Main settings

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  • Select your default language from dropdown selection. You can have more languages in MyPortal (and on your website as well) but only one of them can be set as default. That may be important in handling images (which don't need to be translated) and URL addresses (default language is not included).

Web site

  • session name: You should choose an unique session name for your project otherwise it will be set to MyPortal. The unique session name uses it's own namespace, so you can open more tabs with different MyPortal projects and use them separately.

  • start page: MyPortal builds website through so called displays, which are the main building blocks of MyPortal logic and templates handling. More about displays is explained in the displays section. Here you have to set the default display, which opens at the start of visiting the website. The default display is not present in the URL address (similar as the default language).

  • email: This is an optional field and can be used for sending forms to default e-mail address. This field is accessable through the global variable $CONFIG['email'].

  • author: Another optional field as email above.


  • date: Set a date format for your project regarding to php documentation, for example d.m.Y.

  • datetime: Set a datetime format for your project regarding to php documentation, for example j. n. Y, H:i:s.

  • decimal separator: Set a decimal separator for numbers or prices, for example , (comma) or . (dot). See $CONFIG for more information.

Images backup copy

  • enable backup: Every image is automaticaly stored into the database in three different sizes when it is uploaded into MyPortal. This setting enables the storing of original images as well.

  • size: Set the maximum size in px for original images storing (for example 1024).

  • quality: Set the jpeg quality in % for original images storing (for example 96).


  • enable logging: Choose this option to turn on the statistics logging. This option is recommended when the project is finished and published online.


  • You can set the caching option to optimize your website and to minimize the total number of DB queries. Cached files are stored into the separate cache folder.

  • expiration time: Set the expiration time in seconds for all cached files (for example 3600 for one hour).

News feed

  • url: You can set the URL address of your favourite RSS feed and read the last three RSS items at the top of the MyPortal dashboard.


  • enabled: Throught the process of building a new website you can find the enabling of this option as very useful one. This options logs all DB queries for easier debugging when some error comes to the surface. You have to include the tpldebug.php_ file into your template.php file to see debugging results on the bottom of your website.

  • enabled IPs: The debugging can be limited to some special provided IP addresses which should be separated by commas.

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