
Articles settings

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Manage categories

  • Articles settings are a part of MyPortal CMS, where you can set up a whole structure of articles categories. First it is recommended to create all root categories according to your project. Later you can add also subcategories, because the depth is not limited. But the real feature od articles settings are category types which can be appended to categories. Category types can be inherited from parent categories, but at least the root category has to have it's type set, otherwise you won't be able to insert articles into it.

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Categories types {#types}

  • Categories types are divided into groups of fields, which are availabe in the database for each article. Each article has (in theory) cca. 50 fields available, but you can control them through categories types, which one of them will be shown during adding or editing an article.

  • Contents

    • description [OFF, ON]
    • text2 [NONE, TEXTBOX, HTML, TABLE]
    • text3 [NONE, TEXTBOX, HTML, TABLE]
  • Images

    There are 5 images available for each article (image1, image2, image3, image4, image5), so you can select an Images category for each one of them. When editing od adding an article, only the images from appropriate category will be available.

  • Files

    There are 5 files available for each article (file1, file2, file3, file4, file5), so you can select a Files category for each one of them. When editing od adding an article, only the files from appropriate category will be available.

  • Fields

    Every articles category has 10 optional fields for custom use of any purpose (field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8, field9, field10). Each optional field is represented with a text field, where you may specify the field's alias. The optional field is not active if it's alias is empty. When managing an article, each of optional fields will be shown as text editing field with it's alias. For example: you can use field1 for the article author's name.

  • Numbers

    Every articles category has 5 optional numeric fields for custom use of any purpose (number1, number2, number3, number4, number5). Each optional field is represented with a text field, where you may specify the field's alias. The optional field is not active if it's alias is empty (as in Fields). When managing an article, each of optional fields will be shown as text editing field with it's alias. For example: you can use number1 for the article's votes.

  • Checkboxes

    Every articles category has 3 optional checkbox fields for custom use of any purpose (checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3). Each optional checkbox field is represented with a text field, where you may specify the field's alias. The optional field is not active if it's alias is empty (as in Fields). When managing an article, each of optional fields will be shown as checkbox with it's alias. For example: you can use checkbox1 to show some article always on top.

  • Selectboxes

    The selectbox has the same functionality as in users categories but you have three of them in articles categories (selectbox1, selectbox2, selectbox3)! You can insert a list of items (comma separated) into each one of them and those items will be available as dropdown menu when managing an article. If you choose the selectbox to be multiselect, then you will get all items as checkboxes when managing an article. Tip: Instead of writing the items list into selectbox field, you can write a DB query which has to have columns value and name (for example SELECT id AS value, company AS name FROM users WHERE cid = 4). Every article from this category will have a dropdown menu with companies names from the users category with id = 4.

  • Dates

    Using dates is very often in almost any project, therefore you can allow up to five datefields in each article (datefield, datefield 2, datefield 3, datestart, dateend). You can use them in the same way as Fields or Numbers. Although all date fields are optional, the datefield is auto-completed with the current date and time when an article is created. Datestart and dateend are a little bit tricky, because they have an additional functionality. The MyPortal CMS has several built-in DB queries (article, articles list) which respect datestart and dateend (if set). More about that in display settings.

  • Other

    There are six more fields among the other in cateries types available (tag, keywords, note, url, rating, comments). The tag field is used to write down a list of items (comma separated), which can be tagged on or off when managing an article. Keywords, note, url, rating and comments fields are represented as checkboxes so you can turn them on or off. They are available as edit text fields when managing an article. For example: you can use the url field to store an URI address and use it later as redirect.

  • show default

    Articles categories with show default option work together with MyPortal built-in DB queries and language settings. When you work on your project in non-default language, the show default option will search through database for those articles in default language which are not translated yet.

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